Friday, November 17, 2006

Student Leader Loses Underpants

KUTZTOWN, Sept. 19—A pair of red and black women’s underwear was found on the floor after a Student Government Board (SGB) meeting Tuesday, according to SGB officials.

The owner of the underwear was freshman New Student Representative, Samantha Dennis. According to Justin McCleary, she was seen “scooting around” in her seat trying to put on a pair of pants just prior to seeing the underwear. When asked for comment, McCleary simply responded, “That’s weird.”

According to Dan Craig, Treasurer, Dennis lost her underpants in the middle segment of the meeting. “She knew she lost them,” Craig said, “because she was trying to cover them with her feet.” When asked for comment, other executive board members refused.

A report was made to Student Union Building Manager, Brandon Gething, about the incident. “Its just really random,” Gething said as he picked up the underwear with a pen and threw it in a trash can.

Dennis claims that she did not take off her underpants during the meeting. She reported shortly after the event that she had grabbed the first pair of pants she saw in her dorm room because she was running late and they must have contained the underwear in a pant leg. “I pushed in my chair at the end of the meeting and saw them there. At this point I had two options, just walk away or pick them up really fast. In retrospect, I should have just picked them up.”

This type of event is not new to Dennis. She reports that she has frequent bad luck with undergarments. “I also left a bra in Chemistry lab, and a bra fell out of my backpack in another class just last week.” Dennis now refers to herself as the “underwear pervert.”

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